The newspaper "EL Sur" of the city of Concepción dedicated the main pages of Sunday, February 13 of this year, to an extensive interview with the writer Esteban Escalona due to the appearance of one of his stories in the anthology of Hispanic writers from New York "Residencia en Nueva York, cuentistas Hispanos en (de) Nueva York", published by the New York publishing house Artepoética Press. The newspaper article briefly summarizes the experience of Escalona, who went from doing different jobs in the mega city as a building cleaner to portraying the city, which has earned him a series of recognitions.
The published story "Es solo cosa de atención" (It's just a matter of attitude), corresponds to one of the first works done by Escalona in New York and corresponds to a bridge between the style of his first book, "Ciudad Capital" and the new techniques acquired in the city, where fantasy has been the form of response to the intense emotions and experiences that Escalona has lived in New York.

The book "Residencia en New York, cuentistas hispanicos en (de) Nueva York" can be found in different bookstores in the USA or on Amazon.
The full interview can be found on the El Sur newspaper's website on February 13, 2022. https://www.elsur.cl/impresa/2022/02/13/papel/